The Home of Baltimore's BettyButterflyBBBW

So much to little space!

Location: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

I am a Big, Beautiful, Intelligent, Black, Young Lady from Northwest Baltimore. I am a Harmonic Refined Daughter of the King and a combination Betty and Butterfly BAP. I debuted with Baltimore County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in Novemeber, 2005. Also, an Aries and Dragon. Currently a freshwoman at the Texas Christian University. GO FROGS!

Monday, April 18, 2005

Where have I been...

...It has been awhile!
Been to the BSO, which is SIMPLY AMAZING! Went to Playground Build at Staduim Place (, went to the Inspirational Choir concert at my church which was UNBELIEVABLE!, went to Hunt Valley, which is going to be so nice when it opens!
I have been very busy.
Went to the Orthodontist and going to have a shitload of work done to my teeth, which I did not know were that bad.
So much in one 7-day period!
This month is moving toooooooo slow for me! I am ready for May and school to be over!

Saturday, April 02, 2005


The words on this blog are NOT SHOWING UP! WTF?!

Friday, April 01, 2005

Happy April!

It is a new month! Praise God for allowing me to see another month!